Union Coal Ministry informedCentral Bureau of Investigation’s (CBI) thatcommenced production has not begun so far in any of the 64 blocks under the agency's lens.
CBI is investigating the allocation and end-use of these blocks. The blocks were allocated to “private companies” between 2004 and 2009. The Ministry gave this information to the CBI early this week after the Central Mine Planning & Design Institute (CMPDIL) presented a status report to the Ministry.
CMPDIL constituted 23 teams that visited each of these blocks. At the same time, the sites were monitored through satellite images.
The CBI, which is reviewing all the 64 blocks, asked for a status report from the Ministry. This negates the charge that some of the companies are mining coal from captive mines and there is pilferage of fuel.
The companies that bagged these blocks are spread across the power, sponge iron, steel and cement sectors. Nearly 153 blocks were allocated during this period to both private and Government companies.